When it comes to “Giving”, I personally believe there is no set form or standard and definitely no limit. Some like to donate clothes, food, furniture or money while others prefer to donate time and use their skills to serve a worthy cause. No matter which way of Giving, it is bringing more love and compassion to the world. To us at PeopleStories, we agree with all the above and … we have even seen that Giving has no age limit! Recently, we had the pleasure to share a skill-based volunteering project at one of our local schools in rural Cambodia with Des and Jaxon – the ‘Mother and Son’ awesome pack for volunteering.
Now, back to Jaxon… our youngest (9 years old) volunteer and still holding that record with us. I caught up with Jaxon after his volunteering experience and here is what he has to share: “My name is Jaxon. I am 9 years old and studying in grade 3. My favourite subjects at school are PE and music. I like music because I am learning how to play the drums. I have an older sister and brother and we live on a really small farm with cows, chickens and two dogs called Penny and Coco. I love sport! In the winter I play AFL, during summer I play cricket and futsal and all year I play basketball.” I was really curious about Jaxon’s motivation for volunteering and in a way that I wanted to know if he was just following Des’s lead. He surprised me by sharing his views below. “When my mum Des told me about the Sports for Good volunteering group with PeopleStories, I so wanted to meet kids at my age from a different country and help teach them sport. Before I went to Cambodia, I thought the kids would be the same as here in Australia. Now that I have met so many of time, I think they are very energetic, nice, fun and laugh all the time.” Certainly, I was very interested in Jaxon’s perspective about his whole experiences in rural Cambodia and he said, “My most memorable experience is defiantly the soccer matches and having lunch at one of family’s home. I really liked the chicken and rice. The kids there are really poor but my biggest learning is they are really happy! If I had lots of money (really a lot!),I would buy a gigantic swimming pool for the village so the kids can learn how to swim.”
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