The PeopleStories Digital School (PSDS) Pilot Program went live on June 7, 2022 and has now concluded the Launch 1. There have been two interim reviews and we’re excited to look at what we’ve learned and hear from our children and teachers about their experience. Smart School Anywhere is all about bringing scalable, mobile, digital solutions to rural Cambodia and the PSDS Pilot Program was stage 1. Practically this meant converting an old TukTuk to a mobile classroom that can carry laptops plus remote servers going to different schools (or community spaces) enabling digital learning anywhere anytime. These learning modules were all developed in house by a group of amazing L&D experts and educators who are our virtual volunteers! PSDS offers quality e-learning to supplement the government curriculum and gives children the best chance to learn and complete school. Our team at PeopleStories absolutely rose to the challenge without hesitation.
School Director Nika, who has great concern for her students’ learning, especially during the pandemic, is very excited about PSDS and shared, “We hope that Digital School will help our students and make them want to study. And for our school, it is the first school in Bakong District that has this program and we are so proud working with PeopleStories.”
Reflecting on this inspiring collaboration he continued, “Never underestimate the impact and contribution you can have to the bigger cause. Be bold and take the first step, you will always find friends with common aspirations in your journey.”
From school directors to students to volunteers, it seems everyone is loving PSDS. The pandemic forced the world to reimagine the classroom and education and for PeopleStories that meant putting together teams of volunteers and further reimagine getting quality education to the deserving children in rural Cambodia. Chee Ming said it best, “I feel very fortunate to be given the opportunity to contribute in ways that I can as part of the bigger team. I am humbled by the resilience and positivity of the local, deserving children who continue to chase their dreams amid their challenging environment and situation.” Would you like to be a part of the bigger team? Help a child today complete school so they can have a fighting chance at a brighter future: PeopleStories SchoolForLife 2022 Story written by: Volunteer Kathy Aunkst
Smart School AnywhereTransforming education from "Chalk & Talk" to "Flick & Click" Archives
August 2022
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